Eastern Water Dragon
Lizards of South East Queensland
Eastern Water Dragon
Intellagama lesueurii
Other common names:Water Lizard.
Species Profile
General description:
sexually dimorphic with males more robust than females. Prominent spines on head and along length of back, with a laterally compressed body and tail. Long powerful limbs. Olive green to brown in colour with short dark bands on the body, dark stripe behind the eye. Males have a distinctive red flush over the chest.
Average length:
Males 245mm, Females 190mm snout-vent length.
Habitat in SE Qld:
Occurs in all vegetation types generally in close proximity to water. Has successfully persisted throughout even the most modified riparian habitats and is a common feature of inner city fauna.
Omnivorous feeding upon small reptiles, worms, frogs, insects, fruit, berries and molluscs.
Local Distribution:
Found in all suburbs including the inner-city especially where aquatic habitats are represented.
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Photo ID 
Did you know WildlifeQld offers a snake & Lizard identification service. For our identification service simply use the upload form on www.snakecatchers.com.au We provide our Australian snake identification service free of charge and always welcome high quality images for potential inclusion on our website. This service is not just for Queensland snake identification but for all snake id across Australia.
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