Snakes of Suburban Brisbane
Brisbane is home to a high density and diversity of snake species covering a range of vegetation communities and geographical locations. This includes the highly charismatic and abundant Carpet Python, the harmless Common Tree Snake and the highly venomous
Eastern Brown Snake all which are found with regularity in the suburban environment. Other more inconspicuous species are found in and around the home with some restricted to only particular vegetation types or specific localities. Venomous species outnumber the harmless Colubrids and Pythons, however only a very small percentage of these are regarded as medically significant when considering potential harm to humans.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a snake catcher?
How much does it cost to have a snake caught and removed?
Is there a free snake removal service available?
How many venomous species of snake are in Queensland?
What should I do if I see a snake?
In your yard:
Ensure all persons and pets are kept away from the snake. It will most likely move off on it’s own but, if it won’t move off, keep and eye on it from a safe distance and call us.
In your home:
Ensure all persons and pets are kept away from the snake. Close off doors and put rolled up towels or similar under the door. Call us and we will come and remove it.
Don’t forget, if possible and safe to do so, take a photo of the snake so we know what it is. You can also upload it to us for identification at our main site
How can I pay?
We accept Cash or we have Credit/Debit card facilities.
Most commonly encountered snakes of Suburban Brisbane
Eastern Brown Snake
Pseudonaja textilis
Red-Bellied Black Snake
Pseudechis porphyriacus
Coastal Carpet Python
Morelia spilota sub sp. mcdowelli
Common Tree Snake
Dendrelaphis punctulata
Yellow-Faced Whip Snake
Demansia psammophis
White Crowned Snake
Cacophis harriettae
Less common suburban snakes of Suburban Brisbane.
Brown Tree Snake
Boiga irregularis
Tropidonophis mairii
Small-eyed Snake
Cryptophis nigrescens
Golden Crowned Snake
Cacophis squamulosus
Red-napped Snake
Furina diadema
Marsh Snake
Hemiaspis signata