of South East Queensland
of South East Queensland
Lizards of South east Queensland
Home to a variety of species the South East Qld region supports representatives from the Skink, Gecko, Dragon and Monitor families. Some like the Eastern Water Dragon, Eastern Blue-tongue Skink and the Lace Monitor are often sighted in and around homes.
The majority of species have coped well with the habitat modification seen throughout the region with some species becoming abundant where feeding and refugia resources are well afforded. Some species often enter homes when foraging bringing them in to contact with humans and pets.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you remove lizards?
Yes. Our catchers can help with lizards as well as snakes. Under the Nature & Conservation Act 1992, it is an offence to interfere with a protected animal. Only properly licensed persons are allowed to catch native fauna. Unless it is in the house we would suggest the best course of action would be to leave it alone and enjoy your scaly visitor..
How Much Does it Cost to have one removed?
Prices vary, but are the same as for snakes. So give your local catcher a call for a quote.
Is there a free removal service available?
No, unfortunately Council or the Parks and Wildlife Service do not provide a free removal service. Catcher fees are on par with any service providers.
Are they dangerous?
Only the Monitor species carry a toxin in their saliva. This is likely to cause the bite site to become infected requiring medical treatment. While all species are non venomous, all are capable of biting and all bites have a chance of becoming infected if not cleaned properly. So it is always best to leave the handling of reptiles to an expert.
Is It a Snake or a Legless Lizard?
- The Presence of movable eyelids,
- A Fleshy tongue (not forked),
- Vestigial hind limb flaps present
- Ear openings.
Eastern Blue Tongue Skink
Tiliqua scincoides
Pink-tongue skink
Cyclodomorphus gerrardii
Verreaux's Skink
Anomalopus verreauxii
Legless Lizards
Burton's Snake Lizard
Lialis burtonis
Common Delma
Delma plebeia
Common Scaly-foot
Pygopus lepidopodus
Photo ID 
Did you know WildlifeQld offers a snake & Lizard identification service. For our identification service simply use the upload form on We provide our Australian snake identification service free of charge and always welcome high quality images for potential inclusion on our website. This service is not just for Queensland snake identification but for all snake id across Australia.
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