Wildlife Blog

Air Conditioner Repair-Tree Snake

Air Conditioner Repair-Tree Snake

Our snake catcher was called to remove a Common Tree Snake from a client’s external air conditioner This species is non venomous and hunts lizards and frogs during the day. They can be green, yellow, blue or almost black, even within the Brisbane region. Sometimes...

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Brown Tree Snake Garage Skater

Brown Tree Snake Garage Skater

This Brown Tree Snake was removed from a garage nearby a skateboard Brown Tree Snakes are mostly nocturnal and feed on a variety of lizards, small mammals and birds. They are encountered fairly regularly in suburban areas. They are considered mildly venomous and climb...

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Cuteness in 3s-Trio of Verreaux’s Skinks

Cuteness in 3s-Trio of Verreaux’s Skinks

Our Catcher Removed a Trio of Skinks The Verreaux's Skink is often mistaken for a snake as they have a slender body and slither. The head, visible ears and tiny remnant legs are the best ways to distinguish them from snakes. We recommend getting in contact with a...

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Solid Sized Pink Tongued Skink

Solid Sized Pink Tongued Skink

Our catcher removed this solid sized lizard from a home in the Gap This slender skink species is often mistaken for a snake as they have a long, slender body and slither as they move. This species is similar to the common Blue Tongued Skink but is more likely to be...

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1 Sneaky Eastern Water Dragon

1 Sneaky Eastern Water Dragon

This Water Dragon ran into a home in Coopers Plains when the client opened their door The client required our services when this sneaky lizard ran inside and was unable to leave. It was safely relocated to a more suitable bit of habitat!  Learn more about this common...

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Contained-1 Big Red Bellied Black Snake

Contained-1 Big Red Bellied Black Snake

Our snake catcher Jaedon contained a snake situation at a client’s front door in Amberley This large Red Bellied Black Snake was removed from a client’s porch in Amberley recently. The client’s dog had alerted them to the visitor as it slithered by a storage container...

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