by Ross | Mar 1, 2023 | Blog, Catch of the day
Common Tree Snakes spotted a lot around Southeast Queensland. Are you seeing a lot of Common Tree Snakes around? If so, you’re not alone! Common Tree Snakes are a widespread species that can be found in a variety of habitats, from rainforests to dry woodlands, from...
by QFC | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog
Red Naped Snake At Night Our catcher Bryce removed this beautiful little Red Naped Snake from a Yatala property recently. The snake was actually discovered partway through sloughing its skin. This species is considered weakly venomous to people. They’re typically...
by QFC | Jul 21, 2022 | Blog
Black Snake has a Feast of Frog The Red Bellied Black Snake is well known for eating frogs, and will also consume lizards, rodents and other snakes. They are venomous but will often consume frogs whole while they’re still alive! As a specialist frog eater, species...
by QFC | Jul 17, 2022 | Blog
Brown Snake Eats Marsh Frog This picture was actually sent in by a client in Redbank Plains asking us to identify the snake. Through our many years experience with snakes we can see the colour, scales, head and eye shape are definitively that of an Eastern Brown...
by QFC | Jul 15, 2022 | Blog
Eastern Brown Snake disrupts toilet visit A client in Boronia Heights went in the toilet to do their business when they heard a bottle fall over beside them, only to see an intruding Brown Snake! The Eastern Brown Snake is a commonly encountered venomous species,...
by QFC | Jul 15, 2022 | Blog
Brown Snake Found by Staff Shopping In Warehouse A business in Hemmant called out our snake catcher Bryce to remove this good sized Eastern Brown Snake. It was found slithering along the draws of stocking in the warehouse, almost as though it was browsing and doing a...