Icy Snake

Icy Snake

Carpet Python nearly icy due to the cold Like all reptiles, snakes are ectotherms, which means they regulate their body temperature according to the temperature in the environment. During warm days they can be very active, but preserve their energy when it is cool....
House Special-Python Eats Possum

House Special-Python Eats Possum

Carpet Python Consumes Possum in Client’s House Coastal Carpet Pythons are known to eat very large prey, with this snake capturing and consuming a Common Brushtail Possum inside a client’s house in Corinda. We are called to removed Pythons in the process of eating...
Air Conditioner Repair Snake

Air Conditioner Repair Snake

This Common Tree Snake Tried its Tail at Air Conditioner repair! This species often makes its way into homes, but getting stuck in an air con unit was new to our catcher! These commonly encountered non venomous snakes are agile climbers and feed upon lizards and...
Woma Python Pet

Woma Python Pet

Woma Python Office Pet This gorgeous Woma Python was caught during a snake call out in 2019, but as this species is not found locally we knew it was an escaped pet. When we find escaped pets they are handed over to the Department of Environment and Science, who seek...
Squirming Snake

Squirming Snake

Squirming Snake Caught in Glue The Eastern Brown Snake is a commonly encountered venomous species, found throughout the Brisbane region. Unfortunately, they sometimes find themselves in precarious situations because of our modern world. This snake became stuck in the...